Sunday, October 27, 2013

Common Financial Mistakes of Small Businesses


written by: Reynaldo P. Mallari


Reynaldo P. Mallari is a Management Accountant & Financial  Consultant to small and medium sized businesses  since 1982.  The asset size of  his clients ranges from 50 thousand to 100 million pesos. R.P. Mallari is a C.P.A. and has a  masters degree in
Business Administration.    He has special studies in Advanced Management, Industrial Management, Marketing Management.   Just like you, he is also a small businessman presently engaged in tree farming.  R.P. Mallari was a former proprietor/ partner in businesses engaged in construction, medical supplies marketing & marine products


Business failure, who wants it?  Definitely not you,  but it  is a business reality.  Year after year, businesses of all sizes goes bankrupt.  A big percentage of these failed businesses are small and medium in size.  A major cause of business failure is the lack or inadequate use of financial principles and techniques.

For a small business manager to take corrective measures on his current financial problems or avoid them, he should be aware of its causes.  Small entrepreneurs often commit the following errors.


Often time due to over enthusiasm of a small business entrepreneur, he under-estimates the initial capital needed for efficient operations.  Often overlooked in estimating initial capital requirements are:

  • Funds needed to cover the period between cash expenditures and collection of credit sales.
  • Funds to cover the period to implement business plans and produce defect-free products/ service.
  • Funds needed to cover customer development.
  • Cash needed to purchase inventories until trade credits have been established.
  • Funds needed to cover unforeseen expenditures during the learning period of the new business.
In estimating initial capital needs:

  • Be conservative in estimating sales and cost. In estimating  sales, use lower assumed sales volume and prices, and longer collection period.
  • Assumptions must be realistic.
  • Provide adequate contingency fund for miscalculations and unforeseen expenditures.

As a financial adviser, I have seen many businesses going bankrupt after only several months from start of operations.  What is regrettable is just as the entrepreneur is about to solve his operational problems or just about to establish his regular customer base, he runs out of money. In addition to the entrepreneur, I would advise that a knowledgeable person also evaluate the funding requirements of the proposed business venture. These knowledgeable persons could be a businessman already in the same line of business or a management accountant servicing small entrepreneurs.  A detailed projected cash flow analysis for the first 12 months of operations is highly recommended.

Should present available funds be inadequate, it is better to delay the project until adequate funds have been raised.  The entrepreneur should not be impatient and take the "bahala na" attitude.  Remember the saying, "haste makes waste."

But if the business is already in a situation of under- capitalization, raising the required capital either through loans, trade credits or taking in a capitalist partner, should be a priority objective of the business owner in order to cover the funding shortage. 


Debt is a double edge sword for a business.  If used properly, it will finance the growth of the business.  If abused, it could lead to financial troubles.

Once a small business has established its trade credits, it easier to ask other suppliers for an increase in its credit line.  Even new suppliers maybe willing to give credit to a business which have establish credit with other suppliers.  But ready availability of trade credit may result to inventories over-stocking.
During period of economic slow down and credit market contraction, trade suppliers would likely reduce their credit limit amounts and/or shorten their payment period terms.  These actions of trade suppliers may lead to cash flow problems for the small business leading to delays in its payments to its trade creditors.  Recurring delays in payment to trade suppliers will lead to strained relationship and might lead to a total cut-off of credit purchases.

A small business owner should also be careful with its loans from financial institutions.  The business owner should remember that loans have fixed interest charges or installment payments that must be paid on a fixed date whether business is good or bad.  A delay of payment for installment amortization or interests  for two months could spell trouble for the small businessman. Should the loan be delinquent for six months, the financial institution will most likely refer your loan  account to its legal department for appropriate action.

If cash is readily available or there are excess inventories, the entrepreneur tends to be more aggressive in extending credit sales even to new customers. Indiscriminate extension of credit sales may result to collection and cash flow problems.


The small businessperson must know what is happening to his business.  The business manager must know how much is his sales amount? Is he making a profit or incurring losses?   How much is his payables?  Are receivables collected promptly?  What is his level of inventories?   Are sales, costs & profit targets being achieved?

Every day, decisions have to be made that are vital to business survival.  The basis of management decisions is information.  For a manager to make the right decisions, his basis should be reliable.   A functioning accounting system is vital to any business    operations for it provides accurate financial information at the time it is needed  A sound accounting system is also the foundation of a profit planning and  control system.

Inadequate accounting system means unreliable and untimely financial records and reports.  It is also a fertile ground for committing fraud without the business owner immediately realizing the malfeasance. Unfortunately, most small businesses have inadequate accounting and internal control systems.

A simple accounting system should provide the following:

  • Daily up-dated cash position report
  • Accurate accounts receivable records.
  • An adequate system of payable that identifies bills to be paid and assures payment on time and availment of cash discounts.
  • Statement Financial Condition;  Profit & Loss Statement;
  • Cash Flow Statement.

Since accounting is the language of business, the small entrepreneur should familiarize himself, with the assistance of his management accountant, with  basic financial reports and how to use these reports in decision-making. 


Planning is crucial to business of any size.  Planning is the reverse of business gambling.  When you fail to plan, you are  planning to fail. 
Although profit planning and control is a powerful management tool even for small businesses, many business managers do not systematically plan their business operations.  A usual practice of a small business manager is to make estimates for his level on a week- to-week basis.  The missing factor in this method of forecasting is the  lack of commitment to achieve forecasted amounts.  At most, this style of forecasting is wishful thinking.
A small business manager only takes a hard look on his operations and attends to his financial   future when a major problem develops.  By this time, it maybe late or costly to correct the problems.
Important to planning is deciding your key business objectives. Once objectives have been set,  supporting plans on how to achieve such objectives should be prepared.  The necessary resources will also be identified.  The financial results of the plan should be stated through the following budgeted financial  reports:
  • Cash Flow Statements
  • Statements of Financial Condition
  • Profit & Loss Statements
  • Financial Schedule
  • Fixed Assets Expenditures Schedule.

A detailed plan on a monthly basis should be developed for one year and in rough form for the next two years.


Cash is the lifeblood of any business, so it is important to manage it efficiently. A cash budget is a powerful business planning and control tool.   A cash budget will show the small business owner any cash shortages in advance, say one month before it will happen.  It will also show if there will be permanent excess cash that could be used for additional acquisition of fixed assets;  payment of loans; or put into short-term investments.

A cash budget presents the weekly or monthly cash receipts, cash disbursements, beginning and ending cash balances.  Cash receipts includes: sales collections, owner's investments, loan proceeds,  others.  Cash disbursements includes:  merchandise  purchases,  productions costs,  general expenses, loan payments, fixed assets investments, owner's withdrawals,  other expenditures.
A cash budget encourages "active budgeting" by providing a tool to determine any need to change the timing of cash receipts and disbursements.   For example, a planned purchase of equipment could be delayed until permanent excess cash is available.   If there is a forecasted cash shortage within one month, action could be made to avert such shortage like: more aggressive receivable collection;  asking a payment  extension; applying for a loan.  A cash budget is also a useful tool in analyzing the timing differences of cash inflows and cash outflows.

A good cash management system ensures that there is adequate cash to pay maturing financial obligations and funds to cover contingencies.


Oftentimes, just to make a sale,  a small businessman relaxes its credit policies. Some individuals think that profit could be made by selling to anybody.  This is correct if sales were on a cash basis or all credit sales were collected on due dates. From a conservative financial point of view, a sales transaction is not yet consummated until it is collected.

Right from the start, a small business must have credit policies that balances sales objectives and financial objectives. It is better to have a smaller sales amount with manageable uncollectible receivable rather than a big sales amount with a large amount of uncollectible receivables.


Often times, a small businessman would say ."I know that I am making a profit, but how come I am always in a tight cash situation."    Most new businessmen confuse net profit with cash.

Net profit does not stay long as cash.   Net profit is used to finance trade receivable and inventories. It is used to service financial payments like: loan payable amortization, acquisition of fixed assets, and owner's capital withdrawals. It is unwise to take-out substantial amount of money from operations of finance major fixed assets acquisition based only on the income statement. This may lead to cash deficiencies in the near future.   In making a major cash disbursement decision, a projected cash flow statement should be used as a basis in making such decision.

As for the periodic analyses of business' operations,  in addition to the basic financial statements, a cash flow statement a is very useful financial report.


If a company's receivables and inventories are  substantially  financed by trade credits, it is crucial that the flow of trade credit is continuous.  A sudden cut-off in trade of trade credit will lead to a company's non-delivery of sales orders and subsequently result to cash flow problems.

The small business must strive to be up-dated in the payment of its payables with its trade creditors. Prompt payment of trade payables fosters better relationship with suppliers. Prompt payment of bills indicates financial strength and improves the firm's credit rating.

If the cash condition of the company allows it, cash discounts should be availed.  Cash discounts may seem small but if annualized, they represent interest charges ranging from 36% to 60% for use of supplier's money.

For example, a 2% discount for payment made within 10 days with full payment in 30 days, is in effect a 2% interest charge for using the funds for 20 days.   This is an effective interest rate of 36% per year.
An example in not taking the cash  discounts is say your monthly purchase is Php 500,000; you are given a 2% discount if paid within 10 days.  This amounts to a P= 10,000 peso discount every month or Php 120,000 discount for one year.  This amount is already an addition to your net profit.


Risk is inherent in any business endeavor. It is the understanding of risk that enables an entrepreneur to manage it and profit from it.

When contemplating to increase the company's level of operations or targeted profits,  remember the economic maxim . "The higher the profit, the higher the risk." A major deviation from the normal course of business entails risks still unknown to the manager.  Before embarking on a new course to increase profit that requires significant expansion of operations, the manager must first assess all probable key scenarios that could affect the expansion program's viability.

When embarking on a major business expansion, new market segments have to be developed and served wherein the business has little Information and no service experience.

A probabilistic decision tree is a useful tool in analyzing the risk-profit trade-off of a contemplated business action.  A decision tree is a schematic representation of the manner in which a particular decision's consequences are related to alternative decisions and to uncertain events.  An entrepreneur could consult his management accountant for a better understanding of a probabilistic decision tree and evaluate if applicable to his proposed expansion program.


Although expansion is a basic business objective, it should be properly planned  and controlled.  Rapid expansion of operations should be supported by a proportionate increase in the company's capital base

Growth in sales increases the need for funds to finance increases in trade receivable and inventories.  If funds are not sufficient to finance additional receivables and inventories, this will lead to cash flow problems which in turn leads to delays in payment of trade credits and other cash disbursements.

Expansion entails increases in fixed period costs. Fixed period costs almost remain constant within a certain range of operations. Fixed period costs      include: rent, salaries, communications, utilities. When sales goes down significantly due to market contraction, fixed costs does not proportionally goes down;  the company then ends in financial trouble.

A manager contemplating a major expansion should first determine the detailed additional investment amount required and analyze alternative actions. By doing an in-depth expansion study, he may decide to grow at a slower pace and concentrate in improving profitability and increasing utilization of existing assets and holding off major expansion until sufficient permanent funds are accumulated.


A higher sales volume require bigger capital needed to finance additional working capital and fixed assets investments.

More sales volume and amount does not necessarily mean higher net profit.  There are instances where an increase in sales amount will result in a     decreased net profit amount.  This happen when there is a decrease in gross profit ratio brought about by lower sales prices or higher cost of sales coupled by increases in fixed general and financial costs.  In business, the name of the game is "Return-on-investment."  Net profit should always be analyzed in conjunction with assets used in generating sales.

An increase in sales does not necessarily mean maintaining or improving the current profit ratios.  A significant increase in sales may result in increases in fixed period costs or direct variable costs, altering the company's cost structure.

The danger in emphasizing sales volume at the expense of a very low rate-of-return-on-assets ratio is it decreases your margin-of-safety ratio between sales break-even amount and targeted sales. This is also true for the price break-even point.  With a low margin-or-safety ratio,  a small decrease in sales volume results in an operating loss. 


During the first year of operations of a small business, its access to the credit (loan) market is very limited.  A major portion of the profit must be reinvested back into operations either to finance growth or to cushion unexpected expenditures.

Retained profits must be used to cushion cyclical market contractions;  unexpected increase in the company's working capital conversion cycle;  or  catastrophe that may hit the business.


Financial errors are a major cause of business failure. Correction of financial errors or poor financial management practices often times does not require complicated solutions, only common business sense and familiarity with basic financial principles and techniques.   If you are presently experiencing any of the said financial errors and wanted to solve said problems , simply contact RPM Financial Consultants  at

Reasons for Financial Insecurities

Reasons for Financial Insecurities

Lack of specific measurable goals

   - aim at nothing and you're bound to hit it.

Failing to think long-term

   - too much focus on grocery items, clothing, etc.

Longing for more money

   - more of an excuse than a solution

Holding money too loosely

    -instant gratification

Misusing consumer credit

   -spending in future income

Holding money too tightly

   - leads to unhappiness

Start Saving as soon as you read this advice

  • Not later, not with your next raise or payroll, not after you get Christmas bonus, not after you win the lotto. Start NOW!
  • Save it before you see it. (Auto debit/deposit)

Tie up loose change

  • Empty your pockets
  • Sell assets you don't really need ( for Philippines; for US)
  • Get rid of bad life insurance
  • Provide a service (invest in your church not in lotto)


  • Stop spending like there's no tomorrow
  • Spend smartly
o Canvass - Think about that big-ticket item purchase like (Digicam, Car, Home Theater)
o After much careful thought, think about it some more
o Consider attendant expenses - a home theater system needs to be fed expensive DVDs
  • Don't charge consumables - use cash as much as possible; beware of rewards programs
  • Join paluwagan but don't borrow

Pay off debts and stay Debt free

  • Don't rub future income to pay for past expenses
  • Go beyond the minimum amounts for credit cards payments
  • Accelerate mortgage principal payments on housing and car loans

Buy a Life insurance for the breadwinner

  • Life insurance is an expense you have to budget every year.
  • This investment is for peace of mind; it's not a waste of money
  • This is to protect your family when the inevitable happens too soon.
  • A small price could give you peace of mind and live life longer.

Savings is not everything

  • This is something you do early in your life
  • It does not end there; you have to keep up with inflation
  • INVEST money; buy income-generating assets

Employ people smarter than you

  • This will allow you to work on other things that will improve your finances

Take risks but don't put your eggs in one basket

  • Real estate will not grow as high as it was in the past century.
  • Savings deposits are not enough. Inflation will eat it up.
  • Stocks market is a roller coaster ride but if you stay long enough you will still be profitable. (18% net return in the Philippine market despite, Martial Law, EDSA 123, etc)
  • High return investments mean high risks. That's a law.
  • Pyramiding and Ponzi is for high-risk takers.
  • Mutual fund does not guarantee return but experience is modestly good; but worst can happen
  • Common trust funds guarantee returns but not as high as you can get in mutual funds during ordinary times.
  • Government securities are also risky. 

Diversify to minimize risk

  • Don't diversify too much
  • Don't diversify wife, family and heaven
  • Balance your portfolio such as:
o Medium Risk taker:     (%cash, %bonds, %stocks other investments)
o Middle life investor (10%,40%,50%)
o Pre-retired investor (1%,44%,55%)
o Retired investor     (10%,40%,50%)

Learn basic Accounting system

  • Use excel, quicken etc to manage your finances
  • Even if you get negative data
  • This is a measure that you know what you're doing and where you're heading
  • Though boring, not doing it well has led to the death of many worlds' largest companies.
  • Understand your investments by heart (stocks, bonds, etc); Buy a business not a stock

Use Peso amounts to targets; use time frame

  • This will guide you to when to increase effort or withdraw commitment
  • Review regularly

Learn to Give

Luke 6:38

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

IP CCTV ONVIF Compliant CCTV Kit 4-Channel

CCTV, IP based 4 channel Do-It-Yourself POE 720P Megapixel Network Video Recorder Kit

This solution is a one step ahead technology of the popular CCTV Solution. It is an IP based solution that complies with ONVIF Standard.

ONVIF Standard governs the interconnectivity of other manufacturer IP camera to the Network Video Recorder so that surveillance video can be stored, manage and monitored from any ONVIF standard recorder and software.

This technology allows remote viewing of video signal in a PC, MAC, Android Phone, and IOS. Coupled to this, CCTV owner does not need to have a static IP for remote viewing. Winbo provides the DDNS configuration without additional charges.


The system is composed of the following:
  • Network Video Recorder (or NVR)
  • IP Camera (with PoE)
  • Power Supply
  • Ethernet Cable



Network Video Recorder:

※ 4CH full digital video input
※ 720P high definition
※ Peer to Peer(P2P) technology that makes connection simple but easy
※ Support ONVIF protocol

 IP Camera:

※ High Definition
※ Plug and Play
※ Mobile Monitoring
※ Email with Picture Attachment
※ ONVIF Version 2.0 or Higher

IP CCTV Kit Package Inclusion 

  •  Network Video Recorder
  •  IP Cameras, 4 pieces
  •  IP Cameras Bracket, 4 pieces
  •  Power Supply
  •  18 meters Cable, 4 pieces
  •  User Manual
  •  PS/2 Mouse
  •  IR Controller


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Locating earthquakes

Locating earthquakes

By looking at the seismograms from different recording stations we can find out the epicentre of the earthquake. The signals arrive first at the closest station and last at the one furthest away.

The time difference between the P- and S-waves tells us the distance the earthquake is from the seismograph. By measuring this at three stations we can work out where the epicentre is.

We need measurements from at least three stations to find the epicenter. The intersection of the circles whose radius is equivalent to the distance from the earthquake gives the epicenter.

Please note that the information here were taken from British Geological Survey.

Magnitude and Intensity of Earthquake

What is the difference between magnitude and intensity?

Magnitude is a measure of earthquake size and remains unchanged with distance from the earthquake.

Intensity, however, describes the degree of shaking caused by an earthquake at a given place and decreases with distance from the earthquake epicentre.

We can, therefore talk about a magnitude 5.4 ML (Moment Magnitude) event with intensity of 6 EMS European macroseismic scale) in the epicentral area, on the Lleyn Peninsula, but intensity 3 EMS at Carlisle.

Magnitude measurement requires instrumental monitoring for its calculation, however, assigning an intensity requires a sample of the felt responses of the population. This is then graded according to the EMS intensity scale.

For example, Intensity 1, Not felt, 2, Scarcely perceptible, 3, weak, felt by a few, up to 12 assigned for total devastation.

Study of intensity and the production of isoseismal maps, contouring areas of equal intensity, is particularly important for the study of earthquakes which occurred prior to instrumental monitoring.

The article above was taken from British Geological Survey FAQ webpage.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Triangle of life theory

Triangle_of_life_theory was featured in DZMM website.

The story started with:
Binasag ng Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) ang nosyon ng paggamit ng "triangle of life" sa pagtama ng lindol.

Daily Living: Gold Nuggets for Entrepreneurs from Billionaire Si...

Daily Living: Gold Nuggets for Entrepreneurs from Billionaire Si...: The following list are 34 Rules in Online Business summarized by Yanik Silver after his visit on Sir Richard Branson's Private Island T...
click here for more...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Understanding Intensity Scale and the sense of feeling

The common Intensity and Magnitude Scales used all over the world. See blog on Intensity and Magnitude
The image on the left shows the Shindo Scale used in Japan. The Scale ranges from Shindo 1 up to Shindo 7.

The Shindo scale steps are as follows:
  • Shindo 1
  • Shindo 2
  • Shindo 3
  • Shindo 4
  • Shindo 5 - lower
  • Shindo 5 - upper
  • Shindo 6 - lower
  • Shindo 6 - upper
  • Shindo 7
Shindo 7 is the most devastating earthquake.

Shindo scale intensity is based on the instrument recorded value in terms of gals. One of this instrument is the combination of SW-72R with SW-74SI. Please see our other page about Earthquake Alarm / Monitoring System.

Mercalli Scale

European Macroseismic Intensity Scale

  1. Not felt — detected by seismic instruments only
  2. Very weak — felt by very few people
  3. Weak — felt by a few people indoors
  4. Noticed by many people, windows and doors rattle
  5. Strong — some small objects fall over
  6. Slightly damaging — objects fall off shelves
  7. Damaging — parts of chimneys fall
  8. Very damaging — large cracks in walls
  9. Destructive — some houses collapse
  10. Very destructive — many houses collapse
  11. Devastating — most ordinary buildings collapse
  12. Completely devastating — practically all structures above and below ground are heavily damaged or destroyed

PhilConstruct 2013

AllTechSolution Enterprises Inc. Seismic Division cordially invites you to visit us in PhilConstruct 2013 which is the biggest and the most popular exhibition in the country.

AllTechSolution will feature IMV Corporation products as follows:
  • Earthquake Alarm / Monitoring System
  • Vibration Measuring Instruments
  • Vibration Simulation Equipment
  • and Vibration Pickup
Please visit IMV Corporation website for details of products.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Earthquake Sensor (SW-72R and SW-74SI)

Earthquake Alarm/Monitoring System

The Earthquake Alarm/Monitoring System is composed of two major equipment and these are:
  • SW-72R Seismic Monitor
  • SW-74SI Seismic Processor
SW-72R Seismic Monitor
SW-74SI Seismic Processor
SW-72R Seismic Monitor



SW-74SI which is equipped with 10-step alarm output and SI value output is an advanced version of the model SW-74.
SW-72R is the device that actually measure the ground intensity and shows the value in gals. It can operate with or without the SW-74SI. However, for alarm and recording purposes, SW-74SI is required.
The SI value, known as “velocity response spectrum”, is one of the standards that is used to express the earthquake's destructive power against structures, i.e. buildings, infrastructures, etc.

How does it provides an alarm for the earthquake activity?

The integrated units (i.e. combined SW-72R and SW-74SI) when combined, will allow us to know of the on-going earthquake eventhough we haven't feel it. This piece of tool shall provide us ample time to take cover for safety.

Below are some configuration data that can be used to program the unit so it will provide the alarm (either bell, or voice announcement) depending on the earthquake Intensity.

Why do we need use this equipment?

We need the equipment for our safety. The equipment is capable of providing the necessary alarm or announcement so we can react accordingly similar to the ones used by Fire Alarm.
With this alarm, we will be able to know that the earthquake is happening. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Photos of 7.2 Magnitude Cebu and Bohol Earthquake

They say that pictures is worth a thousand words. In line with that, here are some photographs taken  today (October 15,2013) by different people and was posted in Facebook and Twitter.

From Facebook

Photos of Robert Michael Poole

Tokyo drastic photographs like the one below. Check his twitter for more.

Earthquake Alarm and Measurement

The Earthquake

We do not know when and where earthquake will struck. However, with the technology of today, at least we can readily know of the earthquake activity even if the intensity is below the grasps of our senses and feelings.

Let us have some earthquake short tutorial

Did you know that during an earthquake, there is normally 2 waves that arrives. The first one is called a P-Wave, and the 2nd and most destructive is the S-Wave. Graph below illustrates the P-wave and S-wave arrival. See British Geological Survey for more details.

Three of this reading from different geographical locations determine the epicenter of the earthquake. See the blog on locating the earthquake

As a summary, you don't want to be in a dangerous situation when S-Wave (or the strongest) comes.

Article below shows how earthquake is measured. This article was taken from British Geological Survey Website
  • A seismogram is a record of the seismic waves from an earthquake.
  • A seismograph or seismometer is the measuring instrument that creates the seismogram.
  • Almost all seismometers are based on the principle of inertia: a suspended mass tends to remain still when the ground moves.
  • The relative motion between the suspended mass and the ground will then be a measure of the ground’s motion.
  • On a seismogram from an earthquake, the P-wave is the first signal to arrive, followed by the slower S-wave, then the surface waves.
  • The arrival times of the P- and S-waves at different seismographs are used to determine the location of the earthquake.
  • Given that we know the relative speed of P- and S-waves, the time difference between the arrivals of the P- and S-waves determines the distance the earthquake is from the seismograph.

Measuring Earthquake

Earthquake is represented by several measurements in magnitude and intensity. The most common are:
  • Richter Scale
  • Mercalli Scale
  • Shindo Scale
Detailed history of the earthquake scale can be found in Wikipedia.

The Shindo intensity scale is widely used in Japan which is based on instrument readings. The basis of unit is based on gals, centimeter per second square, or g.
0.01 m/s² = 1 Gal 
1 cm/s² = 1 Gal
1 g = 981 Gal
1 g = 9.81 m/s²  
Read the article in Wikipedia regarding the Peak Ground Acceleration, relationship of Instrumental Scale and to the what people felt, and correlation with Mercalli Scale. Below are the Mercalli Scales, corresponding g reading, and the perceived effect.

This units are used in building construction as a guide to the building earthquake resistance, and as a reference data of Structural Engineers to declare the structural soundness of the buildings.

Measurement and Alarm

Awhile ago, an earthquake struck Cebu Philippines with a magnitude of 7.2 in the Richter Scale. See how the magnitude 7.2 is perceived in youtube below:

The magnitude 7.2 in Richter Scale is equivalent to Mercalli VIII with a g of 0.34 to 0.65 as shown in the table below
Perceived ShakingPotential Damage
I< 0.0017< 0.1Not feltNone
II-III0.0017 - 0.0140.1 - 1.1WeakNone
IV0.014 - 0.0391.1 - 3.4LightNone
V0.039 - 0.0923.4 - 8.1ModerateVery light
VI0.092 - 0.188.1 - 16StrongLight
VII0.18 - 0.3416 - 31Very strongModerate
VIII0.34 - 0.6531 - 60SevereModerate to heavy
IX0.65 - 1.2460 - 116ViolentHeavy
X+> 1.24> 116ExtremeVery heavy
Note: Table taken from Wikipedia (URL:

As a summary, the reading in Cebu are as approximately follows based on different scale
Oct 15,2013, magnitude 7.2 in Richter Scale. Equivalent to:
  • Mercalli VIII
  • g 0.34 - 0.65
  • velocity of 31 - 60
  • Gals 333.54 to 637.65
  • Shindo Scale 6 upper

Alarms / Announcement, AllTechSolution Capability

In the beginning, we explained that there are 2 waves. Sometimes, the first wave cannot be felt, but it doesn't mean that the 2nd wave will not be destructive.

What happened in the video is that the 2nd wave was proven to be destructive because of the number of buildings that fell down. Just imagine if a number of people were in the building and crushed to the ground like the one that happened in Baguio City Philippines in 1990. That would be tragic on the 2nd time around.

We have had our taste of experience in the 1990 event, and this became our guiding principle to bring in the right product to the people for safety purposes.

AllTechSolution has brought a product to Philippines known as Earthquake Alarm/Monitoring System. See photo below:

The integrated unit is combination of SW-72R Seismic Monitor and SW-74 Seismic Processor. The SW-72R Seismic Monitor continuously scan the ground acceleration at 100 times a second. The data provided by SW-72R is a number that a layman can easily understand.

When an earthquake occurs, it shakes the ground. This shaking is detected by the SW-72R at 100 times a second at 16 bits resolution. Observing the SW-72R and SW-74SI, you will notice that a number is shown in the screen of both device. Assuming it shows the number 24, it means that the ground is shaking at 24 gals.

This numbers allows you to actually sound the alarm manually or automatically issue a voice notification (similar to the advance fire alarm system) based on the pre-determined alarm set-point to empower people to choose between life and death situation.

Considering that buildings might collapsed, a "second" of time to react (or take cover for safety) will mean a lot especially when life is at stake.

As shown in the video, people reacted late because of non-notification. It would be tragic if they are in the buildings that collapsed. Thank God that they are not.

With the solution we have, the benefits can be as follows:
  • can save more lives
  • can be used in mitigation of facilities by shortening the inspection time
  • data can be used as a reference data to make sure that the facility is structurally sound
  • Utilities such as power can be restored right away
  • Airport runways can easily be declared safe at earliest time, etc.
Those are the kinds of benefits that pays that the equipment itself. That without our equipment in the field, the loss of time for non-operation of industrial facilities, schools, offices, Malls, etc. will more.

Going back in time in 1990, a lot of people could have saved their own lives only if we have the same technology that we these days. It's been 23 years, and I believe that people that people are more aware of the dangers.

I do hope that Government agencies have learned the lessons from the past, is currently working to provide better service, so we - the Pilipino people, can have a better future.

Mabuhay ang Pilipino!!!

I used to see this in the TV and street advertisement before - "be honest even if others are not, cannot, will not". I just hope everybody will for the better Philippines.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Remote Monitoring CCTV

Configuring a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) for remote monitoring is a pain especially for those CCTV owner that doesn't have sufficient financial resources to own a STATIC IP for their internet-connected router.

The solution to this are either one of the following:
  • Just get the static IP from the Internet Service Provider who are selling it at a cheaper price. In the Philippines, you can just get it from Globe Telecoms, and Skynet to name a few. This is the simplest solution.
  • Buy from a CCTV supplier that provides Dynamic DNS for free or a cheaper subscription cost per year. Let the guys do the configuration so you can concentrate more on the business.
  • Buy a CCTV equipment that has a built-in DDNS subscription. This is the most cost effective solution.
A DDNS is used to access the internet link using a name rather than a number. Here is one of the youtube link on to setup router to access the DDNS server:
Even if you choose anyone from the three procedures, it will undergo router configuration as follows:
  1. Configure DMZ
  2. Configure uPNP
  3. Configure Port Forwarding

The three items above can be done as a whole or either one or combinations of them. Let us look deeper what it does and its hierarchy and watch the youtube video showing how the router is configured.
  • a DMZ ( or DeMilitarized Zone) once an IP is defined in the router, the device with that IP is open in the internet world. It has lower priority than Port Forwarding.
  • uPNP is a technology in the router and devices that allow configuration of Port Forwarding automatically. Here's how\s it is done... a uPNP device tells the router (with enabled uPNP) that he has IP ports that can be advertised in the router uPNP table. With this, port forwarding is dynamically assigned in the router with less administration.
Note: only do this for the home that has less devices and the administrator knows what he is doing!!!
  • Port Forwarding has the highest priority in the router. FYI, the router normally is using a NAT (Network Address Translation). You have to list the ports that you will use and manage it strictly. If the port requested by the internet client is not in the Port Forwarding table, then the router routes the internet client to the DMZ device.
Below is the procedure in how to configure the Port Forwarding in the Router.
If you were not able to do it, then it's time to "Call a Friend". Send us a note and we will help you online or we'll schedule a visit.
 Once you configure your router, or learned the configuration, then everything will be fine. CCTV can capture scandals, or crimes into your DVR recording. I hope Chito Miranda and Wally Bayola will not use this for real time... u know... scandal.

Friday, October 11, 2013

About Us

AllTechSolution Enterprises Inc.

We are now in our 3rd year of operation. Congratulations to all, i.e. staff, management, clients, and friends, who made things possible.

AllTechSolution Enterprises Inc. is a corporation duly registered in Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC approved the incorporation of the company in July of 2010 with 5 board of directors. Currently the approved capitalization is Php 1,600,000.

The current company President / CEO is Nimfa Guevara, who after years of being employed  in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, has changed her career to Trading, in particular to the technology equipment.

AllTechSolution started out as a distributor of the following items:

  • RFID Cards, tags, and RFID identification devices
  • Biometric Time/Attendance Terminal
  • Facial Recognition Time/Attendance Terminal
  • Biometric Access Control to include the facial recognition
  • Hotel Locks
  • CCTV DVR, NVR, camera, and IPCamera
  • We also distribute RFID VIP cards, MRT cards, and we print RFID company identification cards.
The future of AllTechSolution is has already landed with the addition of the following industrial product lines that is beneficial in saving lives and properties. The new products of AllTechSolution are as follows:

  • Earthquake Alarm and Monitoring System from IMV Corporation that provides early detection of earthquake and thereby alert the people before the coming of the strong earthquake.
  • Vibration Monitoring (IMV Corporation) for the motors and generators. This equipment allows savings by identifying the equipment that is not in its not working condition and repair it right away while the cost is still low.
  • Energy Technology, from Energytech, that allows management of power grids for efficient distribution that result in lower cost of electricity. This entire solution is used in power plant, Internet Service Provide, buildings, and the like.

We have professional people coming from Japan and USA for this particular products and AllTechSolution is fully supported.

AllTechSolution Enterprises Inc. office is in Suite 1123 Cityland Shaw Tower, Shaw Boulevard cor St. Francis St. Mandaluyong City 1552. Please see the Google map below. The building is just in front of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong within the vicinity of Shangrila EDSA.